TD Dickinson.

TD Dickinson.

Fear. Faith. Love.

About The Book

Fear. Faith. Love.


Only a few know of the paradise nestled at the core of the moon. Even fewer know of the majesties its lands possess. Murdek is home to the Gods of the night, commanders of wind and hydra, and the protectors of all that is dark and cold.

It is here that the young God named Raven is guided by Starlight, the Goddess of the moon, as he learns of his purpose amongst the stars. Stars that he is forbidden to touch.

Best Seller Post

The Author portrays Raven as a villain in the series but the book is designed to make readers fall in love with him giving the reader an understanding of why he went dark.

About The Author

TD Dickinson

TD Dickinson is a retired US Air Force veteran who is currently a student at Stevens – The Institute for Business and Art. She is studying for a bachelor’s degree in Fashion Merchandising and Branding. She holds an associate degree in meteorology from the Community College of the Air Force. She is the mother of 3 beautiful children, Mekia, Malachi, and Matthias. Along with being a mother, Dickinson is an avid animal lover, often growing very close to her furry best friends. Dickinson was born and raised in Clarke County, MS with her spiritual roots planted at New Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church in Enterprise, MS. Currently, Dickinson works at her family business and volunteer at her family church, Great Commission Lutheran Church in St. Louis, MO where her father, Rev. Dwight E. Dickinson, Sr., is the pastor. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, yoga and meditation, shopping with her daughter, high-level conversations with her sons, running with her dog, Bella, cooking, writing music, playing the piano amongst many other instruments, DIY crafting, designing her own clothes, story building with her brother, volunteering at food pantries, mentoring to youth, and of course, writing.